Eco Wise

Where will we be in the next 5 years?

Majority of you reading this may know of Eco Wise as a waste management company, but we are much more than that! We are many entities, working towards a common cause under the Eco Wise umbrella. From waste management, farming too logistics, Eco Wise is transforming itself into a sustainably circular organisation through shared synergies across its business verticals.

Within the next 5 years Eco Wise will close the loop in 95% of the waste that it collects, including organic, plastic and E-waste. The carbon emissions generated through our operations especially our logistics business will be mitigated through tree plantations on land owned by Eco Wise. The organic waste collected will be converted into cattle feed and compost that will then be used in our farm’s to provide nutrition to the soil and as food for animals and fish.

Majority of the plastic collected will be processed in house on a national basis. In order for us to accomplish this, Eco Wise will be setting up three new plastic recycling plants in strategic location spread across India, covering the south, east and west as our plant in the north is already functional.

On our farming side, Eco Wise will continue to add to its land bank with an eventual target of having at least 100 acres under cultivation spread across northern India. This will not only assist our organisations to reduce its own carbon footprint, but also assist our customers looking for transparency and traceability when procuring carbon credits to mitigate their environmental impact.

Third party certification from renowned establishments is important, but we go a step further to bring about complete transparency through physical verification of all our paper bound claims! These are not just lofty statements and claims, rather it is a scale building exercise of our existing operations.

Not only will these activities be further driving us towards a more sustainably circular organisation but will also deliver financial circularity too our cash flow and revenue.

Eco Wise, Sustainably Circular!